Monday, January 17, 2011


Icecream Clump
I run and jump,
Into ice cream clump.

Pet Worm
I have this thing called a white worm,
When I touch him, he always squirms.

I love the Winter,
How it is very chilly,
Winter coats and gloves.

Rain Today
Rain rain darken sky,
The darken sky makes you sleep,
Umbrellas, rain coats.

The Storm
Boom, crack, lighting struck,
The tree falls onto the ground,
Oh no people cry!

Small, Cute
Cuddly, Playful, Sleepy,
Old, Pretty,

The Old Man
There was an old man with a bee,
Who really wanted to see,
His bright red nose,
And his big toe,
But he had to pay a small fee.

Polar Bear's Journey to Lunch
The polar bear jumped,
Into the icy cold water,
Under the ice looking,
Around for a yummy grey seal,
In the icy cold water,
Without a full stomach, out
Of the water he jumped,
Upon the ice, and the polar went,
Into his den, and
Before him stood a yummy grey seal.